DSEE 6.3 Windows Server 2003 Installation

DSEE 6.2 Windows Server 2003 Installation Notes

DSEE 6.2 Windows Server 2003 Installation Notes

Obtain the zip file from here

  1. Unpack the DSEE6.2 zip file… c:TempDSEE62 using folder names
  2. c:TempDSEE62dsee_deploy install –install-path c:DSEE62 –no-inter
  3. C:DSEE62ds6bin>dsadm create -p 44444 -P 44445 c:DSEE62sedemo
    Choose the Directory Manager password:
    Confirm the Directory Manager password:
    Use ‘dsadm start ‘c:DSEE62sedemo” to start the instance
  4. C:DSEE62ds6bin>dsadm start c:DSEE62sedemo
    Waiting for server to start…
    Waiting for server to start…
    Server started: pid=8132
  5. C:DSEE62ds6bin>dsadm stop c:DSEE62sedemo
    Server stopped
  6. C:DSEE62ds6bin>dsadm enable-service –type WIN_SERVICE c:DSEE62sedemo
    Instance c:/DSEE62/sedemo registered in WIN_SERVICE
  7. Deploy the DSCC
    Stop Tomcat
    Copy C:DSEE62vardscc6dscc.war to Tomcats webapps folder
    Start Tomcat
  8. C:DSEE62dscc6bin>dsccsetup initialize
    DSCC Application cannot be registered because it is not installed
    DSCC Agent is already registered
    Choose password for Directory Service Manager:
    Confirm password for Directory Service Manager:
    Creating DSCC registry…
    DSCC Registry has been created successfully
  9. C:DSEE62dscc6bin>dsccreg add-server -d SEDemo_Directory c:DSEE62sedemo
    Enter DSCC administrator’s password:
    c:DSEE62sedemo is an instance of DS
    Enter password of “cn=Directory Manager” for c:DSEE62sedemo:
    Enter password of “cn=Directory Manager” for c:DSEE62sedemo:This operation will restart c:DSEE62
    Do you want to continue ? (y/n) y
    Starting c:/DSEE62/sedemo
    Connecting to c:/DSEE62/sedemo
    Enabling DSCC access to c:/DSEE62/sedemo
    Restarting c:/DSEE62/sedemo
    Registering c:/DSEE62/sedemo in DSCC on localhost.

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