Mount OVM Manager CD Run the -u {UID of OLD Manager} Restoring the MySQL Database for Oracle VM Manager To restore the database to one of the available backups, the manager and the database need to shutdown, for example as the root user execute the following commands: # service ovmm stop; service ovmm_mysql stop …
Tag: OVM 3
Feb 17
OVM 3 Mass Upgrade
Dec 19
Fixing OVM 3.1.1 Database
I found myself in a situation where I had “ghost” repository servers in presented to my nfs repository. This stopped my from being able to import anything into the repository. Not good. So I found this quick fix…. Ran as follows: /etc/init.d/ovmm stop NOTE: cat /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config (This provides some of the info you need …